Covid-19 Financial Assistance and Hardship

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to grow, which might also be effecting you and your family through loss of income, your job or your business, we have outlined below who to contact to discuss your situation with, to see how they can assist.

If you are not sure which lending program you currently have your loan with, please give us a call on 1300 888 684 or email for assistance.

Each case will be assessed individually, based on your own individual circumstances.

True Blue Loans – Please contact the following Support Team on 1300 099 382

 Balanced Loans – Please contact the following Support Team on 1300 650 259

 Right Loans – Please email outlining your full name, account number, reason for request and how you have been effected.

 Pinnacle Loans – Please email outlining your full name, account number, reason for request and how you have been effected.

Firstmac Loans – Please contact the following Support Team on 13 12 20

Smart Loans – Please send an email detailing: loan account number, best contact number and a brief description of how you have been affected by Covid-19 to, this email will then be submitted to the support team for review.

 Easy Loans – Please contact the following Support Team on 1300 722 462 or email outlining your full name, account number, reason for request and how you have been effected.

Classic Loans – Please contact the following Support Teams on 13 80 10 for Home Loans and 1800 620 639 if you have a Commercial Loan.

 Please note all Lenders are experiencing a massive influx of calls at the moment, so we need everyone to be patient and if there is an email contact available, it maybe quicker to send your details that way.

During these difficult times, we encourage everyone to practice social distancing, washing hands thoroughly & taking care of yourself and your family.
From the team at Australian Financial.