Prime Lo Doc Products

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter we have several funders that have similar product options. This email is the first of a series attempting to explain the differences between the products that we offer.

First up the Prime Lo Doc options available.

Today, I will try to explain the differences between our Pinnacle & Easy Prime Lo Doc products.  

The Easy & Pinnacle products offer both Prime & Specialist options.

-       When would you consider a Lo Doc for your customer?

When you have a self-employed applicant, who has not completed their Financials for the past couple of years.

-       Prime Lo Doc loans are only available to applicants that have been running their own business or businesses for more than 2 years.

-       Applicants who have no credit issues or late payments evidenced in any of their loan accounts.

-       With security properties generally located in Cat 1 locations.

*Please note income declarations are to be based on income earned in the past 12 months and not on projected income.

The main differences between our Pinnacle Prime & Ultra Lo Doc products are as follows; 

Prime lo doc.JPG

Both options have other alternate income verification options, by providing a minimum of 6 months BAS, or 3 to 6 months Business Bank statements.                                   


-       Cash out is only limited by the loan amount or maximum loan size.

-       Refinance

-       Debt consolidation

-       Purchase of Property for Owner Occupation, Investment, Business, Business Equipment, or Assets for Personal use.

If you have any scenarios you would like to discuss, please email me at or ring me.