As everyone is currently staying at home and life is changing around us, we wanted to share some of our favourite tips for staying positive during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here are some of our favourite tips:
Ensure you have a positive support group. Support is extremely important. Although we can’t physically see our support group at the moment a video or phone call can do wonders for feeling less lonely.
Remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. Sometimes this is hard, but try finding 5 small things a day.
Exercise your body and mind. Always wanted to become a Sudoku master? Now is the time.
Creative a positive environment. There’s plenty of time for a spring clean or furniture to be rearranged.
Give yourself enough sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, negativity takes over our mind. Your body needs to recover from the day before stress.
Share positivity by sending one thank-you email or doing one kind act every day. We are all in this together, looking out for one another is important during difficult times.
Smile. It might sound simplistic, but research has shown that it might actually help you feel happier. Feedback sent to the brain from facial muscles may impact the development of emotions.
Go slowly. When you rush stress builds. Now is the time to go slow and enjoy every moment for what it is.
Thank you for reading our positive tips we have found along this journey.
Wishing you and your family all the best during these times.